Samuel Charles Partnership is proud to share with you a selection of our testimonials.

I have known Sam and his family for my entire life, he is in fact like a brother to me.
Having grown-up and schooled with Sam, I am more than best placed to provide insight by way of this personal and corporate testimonial.
On a personal level, I know Sam to be extremely loyal. The way he conducts himself, and communicates, enables healthy interpersonal relationships that are full of meaning.
Sam is a person of great depth and substance, he is humble, easy to deal with and always most generous with his time.
With regards to our friendship, it has remained steadfast. Sam always provides mutual support and stands for long-term solidarity. He understands the distinct moments of when to adapt from personal to professional mode in relation to the environment and the social cues required.
For as long as I can remember Sam adores Headhunting, he is a people person.
He is a seasoned Headhunter, with extensive experience and he works with fastidious care.
Sam is a resilient character, you feel this when in his company and he imparts resiliency on to others.
Sam has always had to depend on his indefatigable inner self-belief. This partners his robust work ethic, measured mentality, and his all round ability to meticulously manage processes, procedures, profiles, and working practices within mandates.
Sam has a very defined code of conduct, he partners his relitionships with a high degree of consideration, empathy and respect along with an open mind which yields very efficient and effective listening skills.
Sam has a natural passion and a healthy appetite for the Finance Industry. He will go to extensive lengths to research subject mattters, and acquire solid knowledge and understanding on his own esteem.

Mr. Pearce, Senior Wealth Manager, Vietnam & UK

For well over a decade, I have known Sam and Julie in both a professional and personal capacity.The most refreshing aspect of this partnership is their ability to accumulate their differing abilities which I believe strengthens the relationship and adds value to the services they provide. When selecting potential partners, I look for loyalty, diligence, discretion, and those that work with a measured approach.
Sam and Julie do not cut corners. They invest a vast amount of time, hard work and sincere effort into their working relationships and projects.
Many of my property projects have required not only a headhunting service, but a turnkey service that provided project management.
It is abundantly clear; Sam and Julie have a genuine passion for what they do and why they are doing it. Being excellent communicators, they are well-schooled in the art of generating healthy relationships and are adaptable when dealing with a variety of professions.
From first point of contact, to on and off-site meetings through to general overall management, they were consistent in their communication coordination, and handling of my projects. I am fully supportive of the partnership and would be willing to provide a verbal extension of this testimonial.

Mrs. Tran, Private Residential Property Investor, London & Home Counties, UK

For several years now I have had the pleasure of working with Sam and Julie at the Partnership. One of the key identifiable traits of the Partnership is the accessibility they both provide. In my opinion, another quality and trait they both provide is their ability to be generous with their time. I have never felt rushed when liaising with them both, and whilst they are extremely committed and serious about every aspect in the way they have gone about helping me, they always do so in a warm and hospitable manner. The last few months have been unprecedented times, and it has been really reassuring to be able to count on a trusted resource such as Sam and Julie, and to be able to rely on a constant consultative relationship which I have found to be completely dependable.

Mr. Manson, Sales & Brand Specialist, High-End Retailer, London, UK

I have worked with Sam and the SCP team regularly over the last year.
Sam’s in-depth knowledge of the recruitment industry, not only in the UK, is second to none. SCP understand both the client and candidates’ journey throughout the recruitment process and has a strong and adaptable communications style with transparency been at the forefront.
With SCP’s boutique style strategy and strong work ethic I can only see success for Sam and the team, I look forward to being part of that journey.

Mr. Rooney, Associate Relationship Manager, Social & Professional Networking Platform, Ireland

I can only recommend Sam for his dedication to his work, his rigorous yet flexible professionalism, his outstanding and inspirational integrity, his positive outlook as well as his encouraging approach to life. All these qualities are blended with a great and inspiring sense of humour, communicating well with others. It’s a real pleasure to interact with Sam at all levels, both personal and professional and I can only encourage people to do so. However, it would not be fair not to mention Mrs. Julie Evans, who is the backbone of the Boutique and who, though she doesn’t appear so much on social media, is a brilliant, excellent and competent Managing Partner working extremely efficiently and professionally behind the scenes for the best interests of the business.

 Ms. Harashima, Lecturer, Educational Institution, Japan

To Sam and Julie of Samuel Charles Partnership –

Dear Sam & Julie, It has always been a real pleasure working with Samuel Charles Partnership on our complex and detailed projects that we have explored and completed together. What I have enjoyed the most about our transparent and loyal partnering has been the energy and passion you have both provided. I also respect your fair-minded consulting expertise and your ability to stick with a piece of work until it has been finished and accounted for. I continue to find you both refreshing and interesting people to do business with. Both of you are down to earth, honest in your approach and represent your boutique headhunting firm very well. I would like to mention that you both complement each other’s abilities and range of skills which provides great benefit to a project and shows Samuel Charles Partnership in its best light. Keep communicating closely and directly with one another because the harmony your business provides has great impact that can help projects stay on track and become successful. You have helped me and my network to work towards our end goals and have given us great insight into headhunting practices. You are both measured in your approach, your methods and way of thinking offer a different perspective and mentality which I feel relates towards your fee structuring and complete dedication. The modern world is lacking in self-awareness, your partnership demonstrates this throughout a project. Your energy helps push people forward and efficiently helps with meeting deadlines. With the nature of our fast-paced work, I noticed your capability to project manage without over-complicating things. Both of you are always polite which contributes to the mutual respect developed over time between our two brands. I have also received good feedback from other people that also share my views and think your both a pleasure to work alongside. Here’s to the future and many more years, thank you very much from everyone at SPARKZ NETWORK LIMITED, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

 Mr. Longworth, Director, Media Consultancy, Liverpool, UK

Sam puts the “human” in human sourcing. He makes it personal to truly get to know who you are and who you can be then imparts so much knowledge so humbly in a single conversation that by the end of it you find yourself gaining access to new horizons. He is an honest, passionate professional with a strong sense of morals and the expertise to back everything you look for in someone to represent you in a competitive market. Godspeed Sam.

 Mr. Bakht, Co-Founder, Consultancy Firm, UAE

I have known Sam and Julie through several projects. Sam and Julie perform a family business at its finest. Their company is privately organized: – Samuel Charles Partnership (SCP). With respectful reference to: –  www.scpartnershipltd.co.uk.

It is a pure consultative practice in its best form, delivering headhunting excellence with Sam at the front and Julie in the research department, with other associates in supportive communication. They provide personal relationships to their clients, candidates and partners with natural flair and expertise. SCP delivers strong headhunting fundamentals with respect and loyalty. This point includes the intention to live long-term relationships and work assignments with a focus on loyalty and sustainability. My thanks for your friendship, business connection and services. With best regards from Liechtenstein.

 Mr. Schwald, CFO, Private Investment Firm, Liechtenstein

I have known Sam and his family for many years. Sam is highly motivated and passionate about both his work and his life. He always gives 100% to any task that is presented to him and takes his time to really understand the people he works with. I am proud to recommend Sam, Julie and this hard-working family firm, SCP.

 Mrs. Podmore, School Principle, Educational Institution, London, UK

Sam has in-depth knowledge about the British and German market regarding hiring high potential professionals within financial institutions and he has a structured and analysing personality. Beyond that he is really open for innovative solutions by not only talking but also listening to the people he is engaged with. The way he pairs positions with potential candidates is far beyond the usual mass process – its real high end.

 Mr. Treiber, Financial Consultant, Financial Institution, Luxembourg

I was first made aware of Sam by a colleague of mine who had been contacted by Sam regarding a potential move. My colleague at the time wasn’t looking for a career change, however knew that I was potentially looking. After hearing about Sam’s approach and the way in which he dealt with her polite refusal, I was intrigued to speak with Sam and find out if he was the right recruiter to work with. I was tentative to say the least about my next career step as at the time I had been in my Treasury role for a number of years. As well as career stability, one of the key factors that I was seeking was a more challenging working environment that would advance my career progression. Having not changed companies for many years and having been previously disappointed in parts of the recruitment process and the service I received, I was very wary about using a recruiter to help initiate my career search and find me the most suitable position. During our initial contact and connection, I made it perfectly clear to Sam I was not in any rush to move as it was all about the right career move at the right time. Having worked in Treasury for most of my professional career I knew that a niche role that I was looking for would be hard to come by at that particular time. Sam’s patient approach and the way he coordinated the whole process made me comfortable and secure working with him. I would say one of Sam’s best traits is his ability to draw on the finest of details in order to maximise my profile and present me in the best light. I am glad to say that after a long search and with much hard work put in from both sides, Sam found the opportunity I was looking for and I am glad to report that I am more than content in my role and have maintained my relationship with Sam. 

 Ms. Parvaneh, Senior Treasury Analyst, Financial Services Firm, London, UK

Sam is, without a doubt, the most dedicated, principled professional I have met in my four decades of business and academic experience. As a Headhunter, he offers a rare combination of industry expertise, exceptional interpersonal skills, and sophisticated psychological insight in finding ideal candidates for a wide range of management positions. When I first worked with Sam eight years ago, he quickly found outstanding IT and Finance candidates for a company I was consulting with at the time. Of the three positions filled by Sam’s candidates, two are still working for that organisation. It was at the time that I came to understand the difference between Headhunters and Recruiters. As a Headhunter, Sam’s services demand a higher level, broader range of skills than what is required of a Recruiter. Moreover, a successful Headhunter also needs to exhibit meticulous ethics in establishing trust with clients. Sam’s word is indeed his bond. Sam is an absolute pleasure to work with as he brings rare personality, sharp focus, and enthusiasm to all his relationships and projects. I’m also impressed by his resilience, a remarkable ability to advance with energy and confidence from one task to another. I would be happy to provide my contact information if you’d like to speak to me directly about Sam.

Mr. Ghyst, PhD, Independent Writing & Marketing Consultant, Marketing Associates, LA, USA

I had the pleasure of working with Sam on a few projects. Sam’s ability to juggle multiple projects and to find the exact people I was looking for impressed me. In addition to his professional qualifications, Sam has personal qualities that make him more than well-suited for his job. Sam’s loyal and friendly personality are just icing on the cake of his many other qualifications. For him, his job is also his passion. He loves and lives for it. I will definitely work again with Sam.

Ms. Scheffler-Perrone, Social Media Coach, Marketing Agency, Hamburg, Germany

Having known and worked extensively with Sam and his Team for over a decade now, I feel well placed to provide this deserved note of appraisal. In 2006 I personally approached Sam and his team of Researchers to help support me with my own private property portfolio. Our professional relationship has since grown and flourished with continuous prosperity. Sam’s loyalty to me, along with his endearing qualities and the way he engages with a wide range of people, is a credit not only to himself but his Team. His complete dedication to his work led me to acquire Sam’s headhunting expertise, to assist myself and my place of work in finding staff for our company. I tasked Sam and his Researchers to go out and source us three Property Sales Brokers to work within our niche team at our growing London office. Sam performed admirably and not only provided suitable candidates, but did so with excellent customer service. The main reason I will continue to utilise Sam’s services is due to his discretion, diligent nature and unrivalled commitment. I am delighted to see the expansion of Sam’s business, and wish all at Samuel Charles Partnership the very best.

Miss Ling, Property Manager, Independent Estate Agent, London, UK

I have no hesitation at all in providing this commendation. We received a personable business approach from Sam detailing his headhunting services. During our conversation, what impressed me the most was Sam’s ability to communicate without the unnecessary need to adopt a training manual sales approach. His style when presenting himself and his business is best described as consultative, solid and most mannerable indeed. We seldom need to utilise the additional support and services from recruitment companies, as much of our staffing requirements are managed in-house. Sam’s mature nature and the way in which he conducted himself resulted in an invitation for him to come and meet with myself and our firm. After a successful meeting, Sam and his Researcher demonstrated their ability to fully engage, listen and understand our business ethics, gaining a complete overview of how our practice operates. We assigned Sam with two mandates. We required a Litigations Solicitor and a Legal Secretary. Both mandates required coordinated patience from both parties. They not only delivered results in a timely fashion, they did so by exceeding all our expectations. Sam’s cooperation throughout the recruitment process, and the consistency of communication was not only a pleasure for myself, but also for our HR team.

Mrs. Shah, Director of Operations, Litigations Firm, Leeds, UK

I appointed Sam and his Researcher to manage and fulfil a lengthy, retained search assignment on our behalf. Our clients specifically required a Headhunter, one that conducts their business with privacy and who works to our strict code of confidentiality. This assignment was of a highly sensitive nature. We required a Headhunter with a mature perspective, who works with finesse and proficiency. The breadth of Sam’s ability to operate and network across a variety of market sectors and corporate industries demonstrated his adaptability. The accessibility to Sam and his team is one of the most valuable components of his business. Our first face to face encounter was a clear indication to me that Sam’s personal nature compliments his professional one. I admire the fact that Sam is generous with his time. In my opinion, Sam’s characteristics are that he is conscientious, self-disciplined and works with humility and perseverance. As I write this reference, I have secured Sam’s services to undertake another search. This continues our alliance, further strengthening all our working relationships.

Mr. Tavakoli, Director, Engineering Company, Bristol, UK & Tehran, Iran

First of all, Sam Charles is global. There are no borders in his mindset, and that’s a very important skill today in a world that is melting more and more together. Sam makes good relationships with a huge mutual respect, which from my point of view is another huge skill, especially on social media nowadays. It’s not only through social media that I have been in contact with Sam, we have also spoken on the phone, which confirms my positive view. Sam has a measured and open conversational manner. I have recently discussed my current job situation with Sam in connection with the fact, my current employer is being bought by a major competitor. Sam has provided some good inputs to my situation. I am very grateful for that. I think Sam’s business is more of a lifestyle and not as work for Sam, which from my perspective is a great feature, and a huge driver for the good customer experience. His attitude and ability to grasp people quickly is second to none.

Mr. Hermansen, Payroll Manager, Insurance Company, Sealand Region, Denmark

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